Earning money is important but it is also necessary to follow a financial plan and invest money accordingly. Saving money is not a solution as it does not offer growth in return
Are you tired of working hard and not seeing your money grow? It can be frustrating to put in all that effort and still feel like you're not making any progress towards your financial goals. But don't worry, you're not alone. Many people struggle with this same issue.…
There are rules of thumb for everything. In terms of investing, there are certain thumb rules that help us ascertain how fast our money grows or how fast it loses its value.
One of the biggest mistakes that many people make when investing is not diversifying their investment
When we dream? we usually dream big! A beach house, a BMW, or a piece of land in the moon? there are so many things we want to buy/achieve in life. But, then we think, it's impossible to create such kind of wealth in our lifetime and slowly…